Let us freshen your home with our professional carpet cleaning services

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Sitting across the television, bringing snacks and drinks, ready for the Netflix binge you’ve been looking forward to all week. You put your feet up on the coffee table and – there’s that mini-heart attack episode! You’ve accidentally toppled over that glass of wine and that cupcake with chocolate frosting – spilling all over your rug. No amount of soap and scrubbing ever helped you get through the heart-wrenching sight that is the ugly stain you’ve left on your rugs. Way to bust a good weekend.

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We’ve all been through that feeling of remorse from ruining something you spent hundreds of dollars on. But hey, nothing is permanent anymore! Ours is a world full of solutions, even for the most mundane of problems. Your rugs, carpets, and upholstery are not exempt! If your carpets are starting to look like rags, it’s high time you get them cleaned and back to looking like royalty. You don’t have to live with those stained carpets because we are here to help.

Try our carpet cleaning services in Carmel, IN!

Your Carmel, IN carpet cleaner

Regency Carpet Cleaning Professionals can help you achieve just that. Located in Carmel, this professional carpet cleaning service provider will restore your furnishings back to their original colors and bring back luster to your carpets as if they are brand new. We can clean any space you need, whether it’s for your house, in a commercial space, or for your office, we are here to help. Different cleaning methods are available for different types of set-ups, tailored to your needs. There is hardly any problem with carpets that we cannot solve. Our licensed technicians with decades of experience are obsessed with bringing carpets back to life. You just have to give our service a try once.

Professional carpet cleaning services

You might think that your ways of cleaning the stains you’ve made – with detergents and chemicals – will solve all your carpet troubles. Bet you didn’t know these actually worsen the condition of the carpets! Traditional cleaning methods with these harmful detergents and chemicals leave behind a soapy residue on your carpets that actually functions to attract even more dirt. That’s not what you desire as the final result, nor you deserve. You deserve better!

We provide professional carpet cleaning

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We at Regency Carpet Cleaning Professionals use special formulations that are able to remove even the toughest of stains and use high-end machines designed specially to clean your carpets the right way, ensuring proper care and preventing damage keeping as close as possible to their original look and feel.

Carpet cleaning starts with vacuuming the entire floor area to get rid of easily-extractable dirt. The methods we use, as professionals, involve shampooing a special cleaning solution onto the whole surface of your carpets to make sure that all stains are accounted for. This leaves zero residue stuck to your carpets. Afterwards, pressure washing is done to rinse away the dirt and residue that has been lifted from your carpets. This is done by a high-pressure hose that pours hot water onto the surface.

This step helps remove excess suds and oil on your carpets. Vacuuming will then be done for moisture extraction and quick drying from the cleaning process. The result is a clean carpet as if you just bought a new one.

We also do upholstery and furniture cleaning

Other services

We at Regency Carpet Cleaning Professionals don’t just do carpets. We can also clean your area rugs and upholstery. Like carpets, these items also become magnets of dust and dirt build-up. Couches, chairs, beds – these are high traffic furnishings which are covered in fabric that easily absorb dirt. These could provide an optimal environment for bacteria to thrive in, which could cause infections and diseases to your family, or simply cause bad odor on your furniture. It’s important to regularly clean these to keep your home looking fresh and smelling fresh.

Area rug cleaning

You can be sure that your furnishings are sure to be in good hands here with Regency Carpet Cleaning Professionals. Our licensed cleaners and technicians are taught and trained well about proper cleaning techniques. Area rugs are cleaned and dried gently to preserve the integrity of these delicate floor coverings. We will check your rugs thoroughly for any correctable discolorations and imperfections. Hiring professional cleaning services will effectively get rid of all kinds of dirt like food crumbs, pollen, dust, and more. Even fur left over from your pets can be cleaned up by the superb cleaning methods of Regency.

Upholstery cleaning

Furniture and upholstery cleaning

Similar treatment is done to carpets and upholstery. The same special cleaning solution is applied to the fabric of your upholstery. It is then washed with high pressure to remove all residue and dirt. After which, a vacuum is used to extract moisture from the cleaning process to thoroughly dry your items. To minimize further damage to your furniture, a protectant is used on the upholstery, making them last a lot longer. We at Regency believe that prevention is better than cure and we go for the right preventative care for your valuable upholsteries and other valuables so you do not have to change them frequently.

Proper care

Due to their regular use, in some cases overuse, floor coverings and upholsteries are some of the most easily abused furnishings in our homes. However, they are such important pieces to having a home of comfort and relax in. It’s good practice to have your furnishings cleaned at least once a year, especially if you have children or little furry friends running around.

Not only will this keep your home clean and fresh, but proper maintenance and care will also allow them to last longer. These expensive belongings are not cheap to replace. This would also allow you and your family to live better and more comfortably. Worry no more. We at Regency will ensure full restoration and color correction for all your carpets, rugs, and upholstery. What more do you need? Give us a call and experience clean comfort for your homes and offices.

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